Sa 19.12.2020 • 18 h
Between flux and perseverance

Performances by Elsbeth Carolin Iten, Rashmi Sathe and Amos Roger

Wir laden Sie am Samstag, den 19. Dezember 2020 herzlich zu unseren Online-Performances «Between flux and perseverance» ein.

The Prophecies of the Equisetum: Elsbeth Carolin Iten
The Equisetum exists since 375 million years and is one of the first land plants.
Who, if-not-her; is wise? A priestess makes contact with the Equisetum.

On the edge of the threshold: Rashmi Sathe
Is the concept of the «in-between» a constant ritual in itself?
Are we all modern nomads of our constantly changing perceptions and beliefs?

Beyond the Frame and its ancestors: Amos Roger
The relation between the object and the subject in space is intriguing.
Finding new surfaces for the canvas through action performance.

We look forward to your (online) presence! Schedule:
6:00 pm: The Prophecies of the Equisetum: Elsbeth Carolin Iten
6:20 pm: On the edge of the threshold: Rashmi Sathe
6:40 pm: Beyond the Frame and its ancestors: Amos Roger